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Turkish Bath Relaxation: Al Hammam in Athens

Experience a hammam in Athens and you’ll find yourself relaxing in hot steam and soaking in the heat of an ancient spa tradition, one you should experience in this corner of the world.

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Al Hammam in Athens: Turkish Baths

So what is a hammam?  It is an Arabic word for what is most popularly known as a Turkish bath, a type of public bath that dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times.  Body cleanliness was considered an important part of health during those eras in Europe.  Water and steam was essential in the cleansing and relaxing process, similar to a sauna.

Hammam in Athens
Sudsy treatments at Al Hammam in Plaka, Athens


If you love all variants of relaxing spa treatments, experiencing a hammam in Athens is something you can save a few hours for during your vacation schedule.  Here’s what you’ll experience.

Heat, Steam and Bubbles: Hammam in Athens for Women

I have experienced hammam in Istanbul and my hammam in Athens experience at the new Al Hammam Turkish Baths in Plaka was just as relaxing. This time I experienced it with a great group of ladies, fellow female bloggers who are also members of Travel Bloggers Greece.

Al Hammam in Athens

Hammam in Athens Experience

Here’s a rundown of what you can expect:

  • First, you gain access to a charming dressing room where you will undress and store your belongings in personal lockers (key provided).  You can wear a swimsuit or disposable underwear will be provided.  Flip flops and a printed traditional Turkish towel are also provided.  You will use the towel to sit on once in the bath.
  • The hammam room is built in the traditional way, circular with marble everywhere from walls to floor. A large circular marble table is centered in the middle of the space. I chose a place to sit and relax.
  • Cold drinking water is provided. Also, faucets line the marble walls. At each one I had the chance to fill up some small oriental bowls with cool water that I dripped over myself as I got accustomed to the heat and steam.   Tip: It is important to relax and let your body slow itself down.  If the heat feels like it is too much, you can simply step out into the cool hallway for a break.

Athens City Pass

  • We were each scheduled to receive the Al Hammam treatment which is given by a hammam masseuse. While laying on a marble surface, I experienced a relaxing 15-minute exfoliation of the body with the use of a scrub glove. A lovely and super relaxing 15-minute hair wash followed during which an exotic fragrant shampoo was messaged into my hair.  The treatment ended with a 15-minute olive soap bubble massage where a mounds of bubbles were smothered over me and rubbed into my skin in a light message.
  • It ended with a cool surprise! Bowls of cold water were slowly poured over me. It was meant to raise the blood pressure and felt quite nice.


Lighting fixtures in the hammam at Al Hammam in Athens


Hammam in Athens: Turkish Delights and Tea

After I got dressed in the locker room I joined the group for a chance to relax at the venue’s veranda. I was pleasantly surprised by the city views.


The venue is situated in an ideal spot in the Anafiotika district of Plaka offering panoramic balcony views of one the oldest neighborhoods in the world and the eternal Acropolis.  There we sipped hot tea and savored loukomi, a powdered gelatin like sweet known to many around the world as Turkish Delights.


Conclusion: Traditional Turkish Bath in Athens

I found the Al Hammam Turkish Baths experience to be extremely relaxing. The 1.5-hour Al Hammam treatment I received was well worth the list price of €49.00.  It is a perfect experience to have with a friend or a partner.  I loved experiencing it with a group of my friends from Travel Blogger Greece.

I was impressed by how atmospheric the design was. Think Turkish style tiles, colored glass light fixtures, exotic tea sets and stately marble.  The whole place, although new, owned a special flair that payed homage to the traditional design and essence of Asia Minor.  The marble bath room itself is completely designed after the traditional version that people have been bathing in for millennia.

The second floor of the venue also has rooms available should you also want to book Thai, Swedish or other types of messages. There are also facilities for manicures, pedicures and other spa treatments.

Hammam Discount 10 %

There’s even more reason for you to experience authentic hammam in Athens – a 10 percent discount for any treatment you desire!  Just give the reception this code: RELAXMYGREECEMYTRAVELS.  A perfect autumn or winter travel city break treat to give yourself.  If you go, let me know how it goes!  I am sure you will love it.

If you love traditional bath experiences also check out my earlier posts:

A Natural Thermal Spa on Kythnos Island

Luxury Spa Treatments at Thermae Sylla

Natural Thermal Baths: Thermae Sylla Spa

The Széchenyi Baths of Budapest


Al Hammam Turkish Baths in Athens   
16 Tripodon & Ragava St, Plaka, Athens
+30 211 012 9099

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*My Greece, My Travels was a guest of Al Hammam Turkish Baths in Athens. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever experienced hammam or any type of exotic spa treatment during your travels?


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    1. Yes, the Ottoman Empire definitely left its mark. However, there were baths during ancient times too… both Greek and Roman influence. Definitely try it out if you travel to Greece!

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