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Porto Katsiki Beach in Lefkada

Porto Katsiki beach in Lefkada is a beautiful place. It takes a bit of downhill climb to get to, but the trek is worth it if you love basking on stunning beaches.

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Porto Katsiki Beach in Lefkada

Where does the sea end and the sky begin?  That was one question that popped into my mind when I approached Porto Katsiki Beach.

Porto Katsiki  translates to port of the goat. It earned this name because at one point only goats could get down to the beach.  Its long, white sandy shoreline was surrounded by a wedge of steep, rocky cliffs.

To get to the beach you need to make your way  down 80 fairly steep steps. Words of advice if you have clumsy tendencies like me: keep your eyes off the stunning scenery when you make your way down.

How to Get to Porto Katsiki Beach

The beach is  40 km/24 miles southwest of the capital of Lefkada.  Park at the space by the stair entrance.

Porto Katsiki can also be reached by a taxi-boat from Vassiliki and Nidri villages.

lefkada is breathtaking
Porto Katsiki is breathtaking.


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