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The Best Beaches of Sifnos

The best beaches of Sifnos were lovely to spend time at this summer.  Here’s a rundown about where you should go if you find yourself looking for a beach on this lovely, sophisticated little Cycladic island.

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Best Beaches of Sifnos


This was a pretty little beach.  Take a look at the photo below.  However, in the middle of August, I found it quite crowded. Since I didn’t bring an umbrella with me I headed straight for the lovely trees and managed to squish my beach mat in between crying babies and groups of beach going friends.  In other words, it was not quiet and did I mention – crowded?

There were many good points. The water was very crisp and clear. The beach floor was invitingly sandy.  To get there you’ll walk past a tiny and lovely fishing port lined with a few tavernas and cafes and bordered by a smaller but equally crowded beach.


Oooh, I liked Vathi. This beach was a long stretch of fine sand.  It had its crowds but because it was so big you didn’t feel like it was crowded. Basically, there was ample space for everyone.  The water was lovely.  It started off shallow and ended up deep with a sandy floor.

I was lucky that I found a lounger to kick back, relax and read Steinbeck in peace.  I was there in the middle of August when the beaches always experience the peak crowds.  There was even a little beach bar to order a snack and cold coffee.   There were several tavernas and rooms -for-rent right on the water as well.

Vathi beach is a sandy stretch of heaven

I walked over to the opposite side and found the To Tsikali Taverna where they serve lots of dopia kreata, local meat dishes and thalassina fish dishes.  While I waited for my lunch I jumped in the water by my feet, near all the little fishing boats. It was too inviting no to do it!

A taverna on the beach in Sifnos


If you get to Sifnos by ferry it will be the first beach you’ll see. It was a clean blue stretch of water with cafes and eateries right by it. Lovely views like this…

Kamares beach in Sifnos

How to Get to Sifnos:

There is no airport on the island, so the only way to travel to Sifnos is by ferry.

In the summer season, there are ferries that depart for Sifnos straight from the port of Piraeus in Athens. If you are on another Cycladic island you can typically find a ferry connection to Sifnos, as well. I traveled to Sifnos from Serifos. Check www.openseas.gr for updated ferry schedules.

Also, check out my blog post about the castro of Sifnos.

Sifnos has great nightlife options. Check out my post on nightlife in Sifnos.

The aforementioned best beaches of Sifnos were just three that were recommended to me by our local friends. I didn’t get to experience any others to write about. If you have any to add, let me know! I’d love to visit them next time.

Which beach above would you love to dive into?

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