Tips for Planning the Best Honeymoon Trips

Planning a honeymoon in Europe?  Or another amazing destination? No matter where you and your loved one want to spend your honeymoon, keep these planning tips in mind.

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Best Honeymoon Tips

At this crazy time when you are about to spend months planning your wedding, you might not have enough time to think about the honeymoon. However, it is important that you make time to plan your honeymoon. After all, the actual wedding is a short affair that will last a few hours while the honeymoon can last up to several weeks.

Romantic art inspired by Sappho. Errisos Beach, Lesbos


Here are some tips that will come in handy when planning your honeymoon:

Do Not Wait Until the Last Minute

Most couples leave their honeymoon planning until the last minute. Knowing where you want to go does not mean that you have planned the honeymoon. Waiting until the last minute will only make things more expensive for you. To avoid this, you should start planning your honeymoon around the time you start making your wedding plans.

If you can afford it, you should hire a travel agent who can help you to spread the expenses over a few months.

Set Your Budget

You should not stress yourself by planning an expensive honeymoon that you cannot afford. According to, planning a wedding (which includes shopping for your dress) is expensive enough without adding an overpriced honeymoon. It is always better to go below the budget than to go above it, especially when starting a life together that includes future expenses such as mortgages.

The best option is to set up a honeymoon registry on sites such as to allow your guests to chip in and help you to pay for your honeymoon. If the wedding venue has a rewards program, you should earn as many points as possible for a hotel to stay in during your honeymoon. Moreover, many hotels have credit card partnerships that allow you to earn travel points.

Choose the Best Time

Because too much energy goes into planning your big day, you can postpone the honeymoon to a later date. This allows you to focus on your wedding without thinking about the honeymoon. Moreover, it gives the couple something to look forward to after the excitement of the wedding ends.

Settling into your new union should also help you to determine the best time for the honeymoon. If you want to take a honeymoon but do not have the time, you should consider planning a mini-moon. You could take a road trip and enjoy local sites together.

Narrow Down the Options

Once you discuss big picture concepts for your honeymoon, you should create a list of your destinations then narrow it down. To end up with the best destination, you should conduct research on all the destinations in your shortlist then pick your favorite. It is easier to compare amenities and prices when looking at a few items.

Give yourself a deadline by which you should have a honeymoon destination. Doing so will allow you to have enough time to plan the other aspects.

Delegate Responsibilities

When your friends and family offer to help, you should take them up on their offers. Make a list of all the things that you need to do and delegate the duties to them. This list includes finding florists, price comparisons, and making appointments with your vendors.

To free up some time, you should consider hiring a professional or ask a friend to assist you. You can also ask your better half to deal with the honeymoon plans while you handle the wedding.

Nobody knows you better than your spouse does; therefore, he will be able to put together the perfect trip for you.

A honeymoon is one of the most enjoyable parts of a wedding so you should plan it carefully.

If you’re looking at some of the most romantic destinations in Greece be sure to check out my earlier post here:

12 Gorgeous and Romantic Destinations in Greece


Where are you in the honeymoon planning phase?


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One Comment

  1. Your tips very useful for Europe traveler. Europe is awesome place for roam. I love the Europe. I read your blog and really happy with your information on Europe travelling. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.

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